Wednesday 15 January 2014

Art with kids: drawing with oil pastels

Drawing based on Miro

Yesterday, after school, my daughter pulled out the line ‘you never play with me, mummy.’  In some ways she is correct as bizarrely I’m not good as imaginative play.  I can’t sit down and have conversations with dollies and play vroom-vroom with cars for more than a couple of minutes without getting terminally bored.  Unfortunately, swing parks have the same effect on me.  However, I do like doing things with the kids, like baking and making, so our compromise was to draw together.  She wanted it to be a competition to be judged by her brothers, but perhaps because I was scared of losing, I declared it a draw and was very pleased with my pun!


Guess whose drawing is whose!

We copied a postcard of a Miro sculpture which we had seen at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park in 2012.  I was going to say last year, but it isn’t any more.  We used some new oil pastels which I had been given as a Christmas present years ago.  I don’t tend to draw with oil pastels, preferring the chalky variety but they were fun to try out and to use the limited palette of six metallic colours.  It was partly a case of taking my own advice as at the last C&G weekend, I was encouraging all the students to move out of their comfort zone and try different drawing materials.  The little one enjoyed it too and we had just about removed all the oil pastel marks from her hands and face before school today, although I did notice a greeny tinge on her forehead as I said goodbye...
The original postcard

Do you have a preferred drawing medium? I like pastels, ink and fine line pens if I had limit what I use.

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