Wednesday 18 September 2013

PomPoms on a jaunt to Stirling

The PomPoms came out to play again at the weekend as part of the Stirling Fringe Festival.  We put them up in Baker Street Gardens in Stirling in the pouring rain (and I mean pouring).  Although it is a relatively small public space, the PomPoms looked fabulous there.  They really brightened up the park and, perhaps because the space was more confined, they seemed to have a bigger impact than when they were spread all over Balfron.  Strangely, I enjoyed the event more this time.  I think it was because it was time limited and I'm not as exhausted with running the whole event.  Also, I knew it would work and that the reaction would probably be good, whereas it was totally unknown territory when I did it for the first time.
Despite the doomsayers who believed that the PomPoms would be decimated by vandals, there was no real damage done to any of them and only a couple went missing – actually better than in our small country village.
So the PomPoms are now spread across my studio floor and the car boot trying to dry off.  It will take some time. Then I need to get to work sorting them out.  I'm hoping we can pass some on to other events and sell off others to raise money so we can run future events like this.  So if you know of any worthy causes, let me know.

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