I'm rapidly trying to get ready for my adventure to the Festival of Quilts - I leave tomorrow and have to get packed and organised and as much work finished as possible before. Today was the first day back at school, which should of helped, except the second monster has an awful cold (not swine flu) and so was off nursery.
So here is my August Journal Quilt, which I finished a week ago, but which I only photographed today. I'm getting a bit behind as I should have September's too, but had to play Scooby Doo games instead of working today.

As well as writing about this year's Festival of Quilts for Popular Patchwork, I'm also taking a one day workshop on Thursday with Chungie Lee, based on Korean pojagi or wrapping cloths. I'm really excited about it as it is a subject that I have been interested in for year's and Chungie's work is fascinating. It is difficult to pack for as taking fabric and threads that interest me could amount to more room that I have in my luggage...