Tuesday 1 May 2012

the unsuccessful journal quilts ... 3

So having felt so-so about the first two journal quilts for the Contemporary Quilt Group Challenge, I think a sense of boredom was setting in by the time I made the third.  If I was getting bored by them, then I can't really expect anyone else to like them! 

I can't remember which colour the next group of four is meant to be, but I have definitely decided that I don't want to continue with the basic shapes - it doesn't really strike a chord for me and making a series of work away from my main work has been a distraction rather than a way of refreshing my work.  So being positive, I'm looking forward to making some new relevant work!

1 comment:

Frieda Oxenham said...

Next colour: yellow. And despite being very fond of it I found the first one hard. I'm using pictures of details found in graveyards as my inspiration and by fitting the quilts into my 52 Journals project I feel it's worth persevering with them but it's definitely hard going! Too much hand tying by these extra rules and not enough artistic freedom.

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