25 January |
23 January |
I don’t really do New Year’s Resolutions – they tend to get
broken and then I get down at my inability to be superwoman or even normal
woman and just keep my resolutions. So
much as I would like to get fitter, lose weight and be a better person, i don’t
make resolutions.
6 January |
This year, though I
want to try and make a daily drawing. It’s
not a resolution, but something I would like to do and this gives me ‘permission’
to myself to make space to do it, something I enjoy.
1 January |
So I started, a bit rockily on 1 January – perhaps a busy
day with a mild hangover was not the best time to start and failed to do any on
4&5 January as we were away. Just as
well I didn’t make this a resolution, failed after 4 days!
2 January |
However, I decided this was okay as long as I
made up the drawings. So I have over 31
drawings from January and am really enjoying developing my sketches and trying
out different media. The hardest thing
is knowing when to stop!
9 January |
So these are some of the 31 drawings. I thought 31 was too many to share, but you
can see the quality of the drawings is variable ( I didn't just choose my favourites). Obviously, I’m more pleased with some than
others. I had had the idea of the circle
drawings floating around my head for ages before the 1st January,
but when I started, they didn’t turn out anything like I was hoping for.
11 January |
I was relieved when the stand stones starting
developing better!
12 January |
Some of the photos
aren’t great as I have been drawing first thing, generally before the sun is up
and so my shadow is in some of them.
28 January |
I’m pleased that I’ve already made my drawing for today, 1 February!
29 January |
19 & 20 January |
31 January |
30 January |
26 January |
24 January |
17 January |
13 January |
14 January |