Monday, 8 December 2008
Dyeing Day
I've stopped knitting at the moment (except for the Christmas cards!), after putting the work up for photographing last week. I'm pleased with how it looked, especially when I started projecting images of an earlier projection on top, building up layers of the same image. When the starting image was black and white, it became quite atmospheric, almost haunting in quality.
Monday, 1 December 2008
Illegal parking

Monday, 24 November 2008
Guilty Escape
As usual I spent more than I intended, this time on beautiful Japanese hand knit yarn from Habu. They are so delicate and some have some paper content or stainless steel, which gives a lovely sheen. I am going to try and knit a jumper with them, which is rather ambitious given my hand knitting skills. It will be several years in the making.
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Birthday specials

The other book was completely unexpected, but was bought because it reminded the buyer of patchwork with the blocks of colour and textures of the bricks etc. It is interesting and I'm going to enjoy perusing it. It is also funny as I was going to give the buyer one of the Banksy books of graffiti for Christmas as I like the humour in his work.
With my own work, not much was done today for obvious birthday reasons. However, I did receive a lovely new Pfaff sewing machine to try out from the kind people at VSM. It looks amazing and fun, with lots of different stitches to try out for novelty value, but also with lots of useful extras like the automatic feed through and needle down positions. I just need a quiet few days to get to grips with it.... Soon hopefully.
Here are some images from my work earlier in the week. The first is the result of digital print onto scrim. It has a lovely translucency to it. The other two are knit. On Monday, it was really successful with no disasters and the black and white piece has felted well.
Tuesday was a different matter. Two pieces fell off and this second knit piece looks a bit insipid, but will look great when projected onto, but it not only fell off, it also developed a huge hole on felting. Got to try again on Monday now.
Tuesday, 18 November 2008

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