Today's work in progress |
Happy 2014! Despite an inauspicious start of a three day
migraine, I’m now really positive that it is going to be a great year, and
being honest, many of my years start with a three day migraine, so I’m not
going to let that put me off. Slightly
more worrying is that my i-Pod dock seems to have just stopped functioning
whilst I was typing that last sentence, but let’s pretend everything is fine and
it is going to be wonderful.
I can get really caught up with day-to-day living and not see the bigger
picture of what I am doing and where I am going, so I decided this year to take
the advice of lots of those gurus out there and actually look at what I
achieved in 2013, as well as what I didn’t manage and look to 2014 and (possibly)
set some resolutions. I don’t really
believe in New Year’s Resolutions as generally mine are made in the post
Christmas bloat period, whilst worrying about my bank balance and feeling a bit
miserable due to the lack of sun. If I
get through to today (6th January) without breaking any, I’m doing
well and they are all but forgotten by the end of the month. But this time, I’ve decided to be a bit more
realistic and hopefully by sharing my aims with you, it will encourage me to
keep going (encouragement/ reminders in June always welcome!).
Sketch paintings from today |
2013 in a nutshell: I did more than I realised and more than I probably should
have! But it was fun: PomPoms, starting
to teach C&G, more workshops and talks than previous years, some
exhibitions of my own work, I sold some work, I helped set up and run an arts
festival, I wrote about textiles and became more social media savvy.
2014, I’m not having resolutions as such, but here are my goals, which can be
summed up by the word ‘believe’:
(and finish!) a significant body of work
a concerted effort to get my work exhibited
the selling of my work so people can by it
some juried shows
social media so people can hear about my work and improve my seriously out of
date website
more - on this blog and other articles
you notice, I’m being careful – none of these say the things I want will
happen, just that I will do my part to make it happen.
Breakdown printing waiting for the dye to soak in |
are my work related goals. For those
interested, my personal goals relate mainly to work/life balance after the
frantic first half of last year! Yes, I
want to exercise more and lose some weight – who doesn’t? But when it came to the crunch, it was all
about balance rather than saying I will run a 10K race in 2014 (which would be
a bit of a rambling post today – but for me, it is something important to
share. Do you believe in New Year’s
Resolutions? If so, what are you doing
in 2014?
PS - good news - the i-Pod speakers are not broken, the fuse had gone in another socket, thus fusing half the house. I only noticed the missing music!