Saturday 6 November 2010

Workshop with Caryl Bryer Fallert

Yesterday's treat was a morning workshop with the well known quilt artist Caryl Bryer Fallert, one of the key names to know in the quilt world, according to today's Houston Chronicle. She took us through her technique of piecing fabric together called applipiecing. This is my sample, made from her range of intensely bright fabric. The accuracy of the piecing is impressive using her method. It was fascinating too how different the colours turned out on all the different samples given we all used the same pattern and same piece of fabric.
Although Caryl said her technique was simple, when used to make a large complicated quilt like she does. Just keeping track of all the pieces is impressive - whenever I try something with lots of pieces I always get lost and confused as to what goes where - it seems so obvious to start with, but then my markings get overly messy.
It was a great class. It was also funny as Maureen, who is involved in the Loch Lomond Quilt Show, who can't live more than 30 miles away from me in Scotland was in the same class. 55,000 people at the show and I keep meeting people I know!
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