Sunday 31 January 2010

Tactile 27 and tempting 28

I've now almost caught up on my initial plan of making a piece a day for 37 days.  I obviously need blocks of time to make then rather than trying to fit one a day in.  I seem to get into a bit of a rhythm. 
27 was made using fabric patterned by rubbing a paving slab.  The marks on the green were made by rubbing directly onto the fabric, where as I used transfer crayons on the yellow-y felt.  The marbled black was shop bought. 
The fabric on the left hand side of no.28 was also patterned by rubbing and the right hand side is made of lots of little off-cuts of earlier pieces, which I then stitched over with grey to pull it together.  It isn't exactly clear from the initial photo what this surface is - I think it was a crumbling wall as it had lots of different shades of grey and lines on it.

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